Tuesday, May 11, 2010


i find myself here struggling with a common dilemma. My life is going well to put it succinctly. yet , i cannot feel as happy as i once was.(nor do i feel like using caps). Why does ill logic prevail? This is the best part of my life, though i cannot fully agree. blah and blah whine whine .... In my mind I know I can never go backward in time ,but within my heart id kill for a time machine. Take me back 20 yrs let us start over. I would love more recklessly and live life without as many worries and preconceived ,misguided also, notions of life.
Perhaps even greater a treat would be to be able to live within my dreams. In my dreams I have Alexis, Suzette, Vanessa, Eva, and Jenny all at the same time or all in one. They combine into the perfect compilation of womaness. Growing ever more beautiful by the second aging backwards and growing lovelier and more in love with me by the second. Perhaps if I was me as I act within my dreams this would be possible .