Monday, March 22, 2010

I wrote this once ... long ago

TO the Girl who's bright
green eyes brighten the lives of many.
If I gave you all it
would not be plenty. You deserve the world times twenty.
you have been
there for me for a long time, ill be here for you longer.
A strong spirit
that will surpass them all ,and will be proven stronger.
To a long
life, outlive me spirit , find me in the end of time and space. I hope
to meet you again my friend lets reunite
when all of
existence has passed. In eternity Eternally your friend.


Its been a long time since I've used FML (fuck my life) as a description of my feelings towards where I stand in this world. But now is surely one of those moments. And why? I cannot pick out a particular reason. But it has much to do with the fact i foresee little worth waking up in the morning for. My outlook is dim at this point in my life nearing the penultimate peak of my male prime , I yearn for adventure and am faced with desolate hope. I was never a very hopeful person but at the least tried to maintain a positive outlook ,aside from my pessimistic stance on everything else, on life. And opportunities abound for attaining happiness but my will is not willing to will, ( if that makes any sense, perhaps better said I have given up before trying). I am satisfied with my life at the moment I cannot complain. And that in essence is the problem it is too reliable, I crave insecurity and despair. I think I should run far away to a strange and distant land where they speak no word of truth, but we don't understand anyways.

Monday, March 1, 2010


HEre i sit bored, bored, and bored. With life , without love , without direction. What does boredom bring forth( hopefully something worthy of being remembered): What is the worth of a man? All that he can carry upon his back. And not the weight a man can carry ,but the words and stories he can share. His craft and skill along with all the world has taught him, ......BORING